Lessons in Leadership & Professional Development from Greenphire Employees

At Greenphire, we embrace diversity in everything that we do. Whether that’s considering how we can make clinical trials more accessible to patient populations around the world or recruiting new colleagues, diversity helps to fuel our innovation from the inside out.

We appreciate and recognize each of our team members and their contributions to helping our clients solve some of the industry’s greatest points of friction and frustration. As our company values state, we’re All In. As a Team. For a Purpose. Solving Problems.

Today is International Women’s Day – a day to recognize women’s achievements in their professional and personal lives. Information technology – and the consultative approach that goes into offering a robust software solution to clients, creates tremendous opportunity for professional growth. We’re proud to have 50% of our workforce made up of women today.

In this short blog, we introduce you to some of our Greenphire colleagues from across the organization, in areas such finance and IT to business development and operations, to hear their thoughts on leadership, why they love Greenphire and advice for continued success.


What does leadership mean to you?

Lillian Fleming, Finance Manager 

Lilian Fleming

Leadership is about influencing people by what you say and do. It’s about supporting your peers and team with an open-mind and empowering others to be great; whether it be working by themselves or with a team. Conveying the message that what others say matters.




Megan Martinez, Lead Application DeveloperMegan martinez 3

To me leadership is when a person or group of people empower everyone around them to learn, grow, and take ownership in what they do. In doing so, they are creating an opportunity for others to become leaders themselves. I would not be the independent and driven person that I am today without having been fortunate enough to work alongside such leaders.

Courtney Valeo, Enterprise Implementation Program Manager

Courtney 2-1

Leadership is not simply guiding others to a goal. Leadership is recognizing strengths in others and letting them take the lead when a situation warrants. This is something done very well at Greenphire. Yes, we have our defined leaders, as a company, departments, and individual teams, but everyone in these roles understand the strengths of others and encourages them to take the lead when appropriate.




Why does building an inclusive team at work benefit all?

Katarina Bell, Manager, Agile Practice


Building a collaborative culture is the essence of my role in organizations. We all come from different backgrounds and have something special to offer. When we put our minds together, communicate openly and often, and have more than a select few be a part of the creative aspect of the solution, we will create a culture of happy, motivated individuals that feel included and valued. Environments like that are essential for true innovation; the type of innovation that puts a smile on a user’s face and is story worthy.



Kathy Kohler, Sr Director, Program and Project ManagementKATHY

Building an inclusive team at work has many benefits. It empowers employees to have a voice, making them feel valued and respected which has a positive impact on morale. In addition, having an inclusive team fosters a culture that promotes new ideas and diverse ways of thinking leading to greater innovation

How do you take a proactive approach to your personal and professional growth?

Allie Zecca, Account Executive, Universities and Hospitals

Allie-1The proactive approach I take to personal and professional growth include a couple of different things. First, I am always communicating with leadership and networking with folks internally that can provide insights and feedback to self-improve and grow. I constantly remain competitive. Friendly, but competitive. Working on a team is engaging and collaborative but friendly competition keeps the excitement alive! This helps me stay motivated to be the best version of myself. I like to set incremental goals and see myself achieve them over short periods of time that ultimately lead to one end goal. This keeps my work effort and potential for growth consistent.


How does working at Greenphire help you achieve your goals?

Beth Dickson, CRO Partner, ManagerBethDickson

There is currently a surge in sponsor-CRO partnerships in clinical trials. For me, this has provided opportunity to help our clients and at the same time expand in my professional career. For example, we’re currently working with a CRO in their virtual trial group and determining processes to put patients at the forefront of their clinical trials. This cutting-edge technology approach makes trials more accessible to patients; it’s truly rewarding to know that I’m working on projects that directly impact patients and the future of medicine.



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