Automating patient reimbursements or human subject payments at large research institutions, particularly Universities, is not easy. There are many stakeholders critical to ensuring the implementation is a success. There is often uncertainty on where to begin – who owns the cost? Which studies are best suited for the solution?

These were some of the questions that the University of Pennsylvania had when they first decided to automate their human subject payment (HSP) process about 2 years ago.

Since then, more than 300 studies have joined the ClinCard program, saving the University thousands in resources and providing additional compliance to their stipend and reimbursement processes. Not only that, patients proactively ask to be paid with the ClinCard – making the solution the preferred method by which they receive their compensation for their time or reimbursement for their travel.

The University of Pennsylvania shared how it arrived at its current state of successful adoption and implementation with a group of local universities and research institutions at a Lunch & Learn event hosted by Greenphire in Philadelphia.

The forum was designed to bring like-minded research institutions together to both learn and collaborate. After UPenn’s presentation and more than two hours of discussion, all gained a unique understanding and appreciation for the complexities of both the finance and research team’s perspective on supporting research studies.

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