In 2019, Danielle Coe, founded a grass-roots network of professionals in the clinical research industry, called Black Women in Clinical Research (BWICR). I was struck by Danielle’s passion when I met her in September 2020 during the White House National HBCU Week Conference. The Greenphire All In committee invited Ms. Coe to speak to Greenphire employees for Black History Month, and you can listen to my full interview with her here.   

The goals of the network are to:

  • Promote early awareness among high school and college students of career opportunities in the field of clinical research;
  • Communicate job vacancy and advancement opportunities throughout the network;
  • Assist with resume writing;
  • Promote greater clinical research study participation among underrepresented groups;
  • And provide an ongoing forum for educational, web-based seminars and education about the clinical research industry.

The idea to form the BWICR network came from Danielle’s reflection on her own career path.  A biology major in college, Danielle progressed from an entry-level study coordinator position by gaining experience and increasing knowledge of the broader operational responsibilities in the clinical research industry.   Danielle discovered during this career progression that the clinical research field was significantly underrepresented by diversity among her peers.  Danielle recognized she could help others by simply telling her story, specifically, how she became aware of clinical research as a career and why she loves it so much!

Danielle is inspired every day because, as she told our Greenphire team, she has “discovered her “why”; she enjoys the purpose of her career–to help research participants clinically while also helping colleagues and the next generation of the clinical research workforce with their potential careers.   This recognition is what makes her get up every day with a feeling of excitement.  Danielle has truly discovered her why! Danielle’s motivation, passion, and dedication are so remarkable and easy to recognize.  At Greenphire, purpose is part of our company culture and we’re inspired by the change that Danielle is leading.

I have been in the industry for almost 30 years and have worked with numerous, prestigious clinical research investigators, thought leaders, managers, and caring study coordinators, but Danielle has provided new and unique leadership apart from the others.  Danielle has created and executed on the vision for how BWICR professionals can band together in a unified effort to help each other advance in the field of clinical research and broaden the opportunities for other underrepresented groups in our industry.

Danielle truly has found her why, and for that, we at Greenphire and her colleagues all over the globe thank her!

For more information on Greenphire’s commitment to diversity, please visit our Diversity at Greenphire webpage. We’ve also created this video to be a resource to each of you on the role of diversity in clinical trials.

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