To celebrate and honor International Women’s Day, we asked the dynamic and diverse women of Greenphire questions on what motivates them – both personally and professionally.

Meet some of our team:

How do you celebrate being a woman?

Allie Zecca, Business Development

Allie Zecca - International Womens Day (symbol)


I celebrate being a woman by working closely with my female colleagues to inspire and motivate each other. I’ve created relationships with females at Greenphire who I can learn from and who can learn from me. We consult with each other on strategy, share stories that help us grow, train women who are newer to the organization, and ultimately want the best for each other.

In technology and in sales, we are surrounded by a lot of males. So, I’ve found that women gravitate towards each other. Fostering close female relationships empowers us to work harder and strive for excellence. We help each other succeed and that is something to celebrate.


How do you empower other women?

Judy Pierson, Operations


Judy - Sign - 2020

I empower other women by celebrating their achievements with them, both personal and professional and by providing advice or motivation whenever it’s needed. I don’t let jealousy cloud my attitude or behavior, I acknowledge that each win, however small, in whichever field, is one step closer for equality for women socially, economically, and professionally. I think that’s a goal all women can get behind.


Catherine Click, Product Innovation


Catherine Click - Womens Internationl Day 2020

Women are amazing! Successes in my life have been bolstered by a network of women – personally and professionally – who advocated for me. I try to pay it forward in mentorship and advocacy, and volunteer efforts to support female veterans and military spouses (which is a cause near and dear to my heart). It’s about coming through for other women and being kind.


How do you break stereotypes – either at home or work?

Denean Allen, Operations

I help break stereotypes by showing that they are incorrect. Yes, it can be draining on the individual (why do I have to be one to prove this is not true?). It’s an ongoing state of mind. I will be more than what someone thinks. Striving for excellence is hard work. However, it helps to break walls.

Jaleeysa King, Product Innovation


Jaleeysa - Casual - 2020


I break stereotypes by embracing all challenges no matter the size. Challenges are an opportunity for growth, whether it is personal or professional. Often challenges are uncomfortable, but we must learn to embrace those moments instead of avoiding them. In times of unease we often have a chance to evolve. Embrace the new opportunity, step out of your comfort zone, and voice your opinions; it will all help to shape you into a more well-rounded individual. I encourage everyone to strategically face their challenges, you will be better for it in the long run.

How can you support other women (and men) through philanthropy?

Jill Zinszer, Operations

There’s an organization called Dress for Success that provides professional clothing, teaches makeup application, and provides educational and mentorship services to women preparing for interviews and career advancement opportunities. They take monetary donations as well as clothing, shoe, and jewelry donations for women in need for interviews.

They have a companion organization called Career Gear that provides similar services to men seeking employment and career advancement opportunities.

Susan Redding, Training & Development


Susan - Casual - 2020

I try to give back to my community by speaking at retreats and various events for young women at least once a quarter. There are so many wonderful women in my life who have shared their knowledge with me,

that it is a joy for me to try and give back in this way. What I know to be true so far and try to convey to women, is if you believe in yourself, no matter what the obstacle you face, you will find a way. It might be different than the way you first envisioned, but if you keep at it and don’t be afraid of imperfection, you will end up in a better place.


How do you help to inspire the next generation of women?

Michele Duncan, Operations

Michele - Casual - 2020


Be better than you were yesterday. Learn from yesterday and make today count.

Kate Barbier, Operations


Kate - Sign - 2020


I help to inspire the next generation of women by being present and supportive in their lives between family, school, extracurricular activities, and interacting with the community. I find it important to lead by example by showing youth you are confident and proud of who you are and what you have accomplished as well as what you still want to achieve.

Denise Ordonio, HR




There have been many times in my life I had thought “I wish somebody told me that” so I use that as a mantra in my life. If I can share some of the wisdom I have learned in life and help someone successfully navigate a situation, I am happy to do so. I think it is important to be present in life, to be a good listener, kind and compassionate. I encourage women to come out of their comfort zone for their own personal and professional growth. I lead by example and try to help women develop the confidence they need to succeed and find their voice.

Susan Redding, Training & Development


Susan - Sign - 2020


I have raised two teenage girls to believe in themselves and tap into all the wonderful opportunities around them.

Paige Infortuna, Culture & Engagement


Paige - Casual - 2020


I hope I can be the inspiration for the next generation of women as my mother was for me. Most of you won’t know about the late 1960s and early 1970s, but the Women’s Movement, while not in its infancy, was really just beginning to take on momentum. My mother was raised in a generation where, if you were female, you could be one of three things; a nurse, a teacher or a secretary. Being one of three girls, she was the secretary and her sisters were a nurse and a teacher.

In this time, you went to work for one company and were supposed to stay there until you either retired or died. Many women did not work and looked down upon working mothers. My mother emigrated to the United States from a small town in Ontario, Canada. She began her career here as a secretary, met and married my father, and started a family. Then, she got divorced. What does a non-resident, single mother do? She starts her own business!

This was the era of “Man Power”, a time in history where baby-boomers were changing the shape of the workforce and the United States was prosperous. My mother, not to be outdone, capitalized on this by naming her company “Fran Power” and became a legal secretary (in today’s world a Paralegal). She rented a townhouse one block from the courthouse in Media. We lived on the second floor, she had an office on the first floor and I had a playroom in the room next door. Her clients could walk to her and she was always there to keep an eye on me, make me a snack or give me a hug.

This taught me so many things, but the greatest take away was that I could do or be anything I wanted. I would just need to work hard and the rest would take care of itself. So, I started my own business in high school as a “Girl Friday” and the rest is history!

My advice, be your own advocate and don’t let anyone stand in your way!

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