Clinical trials are like intricate puzzles, with each piece representing a crucial part of a much larger picture. But while the focus often falls on complex protocols and medical advancements, it’s the upfront planning and execution of financial and administrative workflows that can truly make or break a study. Budget development, negotiation, and payment execution might not be the most glamorous aspects, but they are the backbone of a successful clinical trial. When overlooked, they can drain time and resources and even damage site relationships.

So, how do you turn these potential roadblocks into stepping stones? The key lies in streamlining and centralizing these non-clinical processes. By working with the right partners and adopting best practices and technology, you can unlock the true potential of your global studies.

Transparency and Innovation: A Winning Combination

In a recent webinar with Greenphire and global CRO, Momentum Pharma, a key focus was around innovation. In today’s fast-evolving CRO landscape, innovation is more than just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Integrating seamlessly with trusted vendors can significantly enhance both efficiency and transparency while improving processes for sites and maintaining a patient-focused approach.

Data: The Crown Jewel of Clinical Trials

If there’s one thing that’s revolutionizing clinical research today, it’s data. Access to accurate, timely data is indispensable for successful trial planning and execution. Sponsors need this data to make informed decisions and appropriately plan and budget, to ensure that their trials run smoothly.

For example, Momentum Pharma partnered with Greenphire,  leveraging contemporary, industry-indicative data to prepare precise site costing for a global phase three trial. The result – the sponsor gained more realistic budgeting expectations, with a greater understanding of costs per country and site. The takeaway? Data isn’t just valuable—it’s vital.

Putting Patients First

Clinical trials aren’t just about data points and protocols; they’re about people. When trials aren’t engineered for success, the consequences are real: unwanted delays, spiraling costs, and, in the worst cases, fruitless results. That’s why prioritizing and planning for the patient experience from the get-go is essential.

Patient recruitment, enrollment, and retention should be at the heart of every stakeholder’s efforts. It’s not just about getting patients through the door but about supporting them and their families throughout the entire trial journey. When patients feel valued and cared for, trials are set up for success. 

Clinical trials don’t exist in a vacuum. They’re influenced by the world around them. Geopolitical factors can create significant roadblocks, especially when conducting trials in regions affected by conflict. This highlights the importance of diversifying patient populations and understanding the associated costs and support required for trials in these areas.

In order to do this, similar to site costs, sponsors need to understand the participant-level barriers and expenses that exist – for their specific phase, therapeutic area, region, etc. Again, this is where industry-indicative data can play a crucial role in executing a patient-centric trial.

The Final Verdict

The bottom line? Innovating clinical service delivery is a must in today’s clinical trial landscape. This can help to appropriately plan and budget, execute payments, maintain transparency and facilitate an optimal participant and site experience. Empowering sites and sponsors, considering geopolitical realities, and delivering access to accurate, up-to-date data are key takeaways that should inform your strategies moving forward.

Let’s take these insights to heart and drive forward with confidence, knowing that we’re building a future where clinical trials are not only successful but also truly impactful.

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