Finances are the fuel that power clinical trials.

And brand new data from the Society for Clinical Research Sites shows the dire situation at hand:

  • 74% of sites say that they need stronger and more robust budgets from sponsors
  • 79% of sites have less than 6 months of operating capital in the bank

When sites are cash-strapped, this negatively impacts your trial execution. Patient recruitment is delayed, and should these challenges persist, they’re less likely to consider working with your organization in the future.

In this exclusive webinar, you’ll discover how technology can improve your site relationships and bring a new level of control, transparency and accuracy to your financial operations.

You’ll hear from experts who have walked in your shoes and site advocates who are dedicated to improving the financial performance of clinical trials. Ultimately, you’ll leave energized – ready to make a difference and position your organization as a coveted sponsor of choice.

Please note: You must register first to watch the replay. After registering, you will receive a link to access the recorded event.

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