Get to Know ClinCard

With more than 15 million payments executed worldwide, ClinCard sets the industry standard in automating participant payments, delivering unmatched simplicity, security and global reach. See how it works!


  • Eliminate cash and checks
  • Remove risk of fraud
  • Enable real time payments
  • Save time and effort for site staff
  • Enhance patient engagement and retention
  • Integrate with ConneX, Greenphire’s participant travel services
  • Ensure IRS tax and HIPAA compliance
  • Increase financial transparency via real-time audit trail
  • Integrate with clinical data sources (EDC, IVRS, CTMS, etc.)

Get to Know ConneX

From simply providing a car ride to arranging full-service air travel, hotel arrangements and more, ConneX provides peace of mind for patients, families, caregivers, sites and sponsors. See how it works!


  • Meet patient-specific travel needs
  • Eliminate out-of-pocket expenses
  • Remove burden of trial participation for increased retention
  • Navigate international travel requirements
  • Deliver instant confirmations and itineraries

Learn More About ClinCard + ConneX