The Power of Patient Engagement

Greenphire’s Patient-Powered Research Registry allows for the creation of personalized patient registries to drive digital study success. Our unique participant-focused mobile application and assets enable organizations to develop interactive and informative content to further engage participants.

Greenphire’s experience and focus on innovation, participant engagement, and regulatory compliance will help deliver deeper insights and best practices that ensure clients are most effectively addressing recruitment and retention challenges.

Core Solution Features

Experience the difference that our unique feature set offers:


Remotely consent research participants using our layered consent approach

Data Collection:

Collect participant-reported information via surveys and timelines


Send participants updates on registry findings, educational information and event listings and details

Regulatory Review Support:

Enable rapid reviews by IRBs and Security Officers via our automation and assets

Access Across Platforms:

Offer participants an unmatched experience on their preferred device (iOS, Android, web)

Trial Identification (Optional):

Through our trial matching partner, automatically notify participants of relevant clinical studies

The Metastatic Breast Cancer Alliance selected Greenphire’s Patient-Powered Research Registry as the platform for creating MBC Connect™ Patient Experience registry. They chose our platform based on technical expertise, solution flexibility, dynamic content creation, and the ability to derive unique analytics.

Download the full case study to read more.

“Having a tool that regularly provides helpful and relevant information, along with sharing trials that patients may be eligible for, is critically important.”

Laurie Campbell, Executive Director, MBC Alliance

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