Patient and site convenience are no longer a “nice to have”, they’re a critical component of successful clinical trial operations.

The life science industry today faces an increasingly complex environment, with new patient expectations, elevated trial volume and new decentralized dynamics. These complexities present operational challenges for sponsors, who ultimately want to get their drugs to market as quickly as possible to maximize revenue and deliver new patient therapies to those who need them.

CROs today see these challenges as opportunities.

CROs play an integral role in drug development today. They are able to understand the goals of their pharmaceutical partners, and act as their innovation partners by assembling best in class solutions to achieve their macro study goals.

Sponsors value CROs for their ability to:

  1. Decrease costs: By identifying solutions which match the footprint of a clinical trial, CROs are able to deliver economies of scale, as well as global visibility across trial operations. SaaS-based solutions are at the core of driving that efficiency, and offer the ability to measure usage and ROI.
  2. Improve diversity: When the FDA issued draft guidance for the industry to improve diversity through specific action planning in 2022, sponsors felt increasing pressure to ensure that their trial enrollees more broadly represented the population at large. The FDA guidance and real-world experience has demonstrated that removing financial and logistical burdens are a critical path to improving access for diverse communities. Successful diversity action plans enabled through CROs now incorporate patient engagement technology as a core component of their strategy.
  3. Increase compliance: We are no longer as an industry discussing whether or not decentralized clinical trials are going to stick; patient flexibility is here to stay. CROs who enable a seamless patient experience from in the clinic to home are who sponsors will trust to operationalize their vision. Ensuring that remote eDiaries are complete and accurate is critical; reinforcing this behavior by integrating patient facing technology is key to increasing compliance.

CROs and Greenphire: The Perfect Match for Clinical Trial Patient Engagement

Greenphire supports CROs in their mission, to ultimately provide a better patient experience through engagement and access.

In our recently issued 2023 Patient Convenience market trends survey, CROs overwhelmingly reported that offering patient stipends and reimbursements and travel concierge services make them more competitive in bidding on sponsored studies. That’s because 95% of sponsors and CROs agreed that improving patient recruitment and retention can lead to accelerated trial timelines.

Greenphire is the only proven provider of patient convenience technology offering a singular platform for global patient engagement, plus in-house expertise in sophisticated areas such as banking, regulatory and tax management. Our expanded patient convenience suite, with the addition of our GreenSpace mobile/web application, offers CROs with an integrated solution to meet their goals of simplifying the execution of patient convenience.

With more variability in the patient experience, we know that CROs want solutions which enable both home-based activity as well as in-clinic. GreenSpace is the tool you’ve been looking for to deliver a high-touch approach for patients through mobile and web-based technology. Now you can provide an easy way for patients to manage their trial expenses and logistics, without investing in building a proprietary application or causing additional work for busy research sites staff.

If you’re looking to improve access, increase engagement and drive outcomes through clinical trial patient convenience, contact us today to learn more about Greenphire’s award-winning solutions.

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